David Huffman received his Ph.D. in Economics at the University of California, Berkeley, in 2003. Most of his research lies at the intersection of two fields, Behavioral Economics and Labor Economics. Specific research interests include: The impact of loss aversion on labor supply; complexity in workplace incentive schemes; intrinsic motivation and financial incentives; motivated beliefs and overconfidence; conflict and cooperation between social groups; measurement of individual preferences including risk, time, and social preference around the globe; the role of emotions in decision making.

David joined IZA as a Research Associate in September 2003, and became a Senior Research Associate in September 2006. He has continued to be affiliated with IZA as a Research Fellow. David has been an Assistant and Associate Professor at Swarthmore College, an Associate Professor at University of Oxford, and is now a Full Professor at University of Pittsburgh.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 16283
published in: American Economic Review, 2022, 112 (10), 3141–3175
IZA Discussion Paper No. 11920
published in: Management Science, 2018, 64 (10), 4669-4680.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9504
revised version published as 'Global Evidence on Economic Preferences' in: Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2018, 133 (4), 1645-1692
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5189
revised version published as 'Competition Between Organizational Groups: Its Impact on Altruistic and Anti-Social Motivations' in: Management Science, 2012, 58 (5), 948-960
IZA Discussion Paper No. 5001
substantially revised version published in: Review of Economic Studies, 2014, 81 (1), 30-56
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4170
published in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2009, 72 (3), 903-915