Alex Armand

Research Fellow

Nova School of Business and Economics

Alex Armand is an Associate Professor of Economics at Nova School of Business and Economics, a research affiliate at CEPR, a resident member of NOVAFRICA. His main research fields are applied microeconomics, development economics and political economy. His current work focuses on the effect of providing education-related cash transfers on household outcomes, on the effect of local community engagement on natural resource management, on conflict-reducing policies, on the role of ocean dependency for communities living in coastal areas, and on infrastructure in developing cities. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University College London, a MSc in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and a BSc in Economics from the University of Turin.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 17098
Alex Armand, Paul Atwell, Joseph Gomes, Giuseppe Musillo, Yannik Schenk
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9779
published in: Economic Journal, 2018, 128 (612), F609 - F639