Evgeny Yakovlev

Research Fellow

New Economic School, Moscow

Research Interests

Evgeny Yakovlev is an Associate Professor at the New Economic School, Moscow. Professor Yakovlev obtained his Ph.D. in Economics in 2012 at the University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on the empirical analysis of various topics in health economics, labor economics, empirical IO, and development economics. His research was published in AEJ: Applied Economics, AEJ: Economic Policy, JEEA, Quantitative Economics, Journal of Public Economics and others.

Evgeny Yakovlev joined IZA as a Research Fellow in February 2020.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 13540
Margarita Khvan, Elizaveta Smorodenkova, Evgeny Yakovlev