Research Interests
- adjustment costs
- aggregate productivity
- aggregate unemployment
- aging population
- aging workforce
- analysis of unemployment
- business cycle
- business cycle analysis and forecasting
- business cycle dynamics
- business cycles
- capital accumulation
- capital measurement
- computational and simulation methods
- demand for skills
- demographic change
- dynamics of earnings
- dynamics of job change
- earnings and gender inequalities
- economic growth
- equilibrium search unemployment
- female labor supply
- future of labor
- gender earnings gap
- gender wage decompositions
- geographic labor mobililty
- growth models
- heterogeneous agent models
- heterogeneous firm models
- immigration and the labor market
- impacts of technology on labor
- job displacement
- job mobility
- job polarisation
- job-to-job flows
- labor force participation
- labor market flexibility
- labor market frictions
- labor share
- labor supply
- labor supply dynamics
- life cycle behavior
- life-cycle behavior
- macro labor
- macroeconomic dynamics
- macroeconomic theory
- macroeconomics
- measurement error
- measuring occupational segregation
- misallocation and adjustment costs
- mobility and migration
- occupation
- occupational choice
- occupational mobility
- skill biased technical change
- skill biased technological change
- skill mismatch
- skills distribution
- structural change
- structure of labor demand and employment
- task biased technical change
- technological change
- technology and growth
- trade and labor markets
- unemployment rate
- wage-productivity gap
- wages and cycles
- worker mobility
IZA Publications
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14325
published in: ILR Review, 2022, 75 (5), 1321 - 1347
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13509