Lindsey Macmillan is Professor of Economics and the Founding Director of the UCL Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities, creating new research to inform evidence-led education policy and wider practice to equalise opportunities across the life course. She is also a Research Fellow in the Education and Skills sector at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, and CESifo, and a Visiting Professor at the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at London School of Economics. Lindsey is Treasurer of the Scottish Economic Society Council, and Co-Editor of Education Economics. After completing her PhD at the Department of Economics, University of Bristol, Lindsey spent a year at Harvard Kennedy School as a post-doc, before joining IOE as a lecturer in 2012.

Lindsey's research considers the role of early skills, education, and labour market experience in the transmission of incomes and work across generations. She has written on topics relating to educational inequalities, including the impact of selective schooling systems on social mobility, understanding the improved performance of London pupils, and the characteristics and outcomes of those who undermatch in higher education. Lindsey also has a keen interest in the role of family background in access into and progression within occupations.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 8505
revised version published as 'Do selective schooling systems increase inequality? ' in: Oxford Economic Papers, 2020, 72 (1), 1 - 24
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6202
published in: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society), 2013, 176 (2), 541–563
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2554
published in: Economic Journal, 2007, 117 (519), C43-C60