Ludo Visschers

Research Fellow

University of Edinburgh

Ludo Visschers is at the University of Edinburgh (with a secondary affiliation at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid). His interests lie in the functioning of labour markets with frictions, and information friction more generally. His wider interests span macroeconomics, labour economics, and applied theory. He received his undergraduate degree in International Economic Studies from the University of Maastricht, and his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. Before joining the University of Edinburgh in 2013, he worked at Simon Fraser University (Canada) and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid . Ludo joined IZA as a Research Fellow in May 2017.



IZA Discussion Paper No. 13307
published in: Econometrica, 2021, 91 (3), 1119-1153
IZA Discussion Paper No. 12441
Paolo Martellini, Guido Menzio, Ludo Visschers
published in: Economic Journal, 2021, 131 (637), 2203-2232.
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8430
published in: European Economic Review, 2016, 84, 18 - 41
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8357
published in: Journal of Economic Theory, 2015, 155, 1-15
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7163
published in: Theoretical Economics, 2017, 12 (2), 731-770
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7124
published in: Econometrica, 2023, 91 (3), 1119 - 1153