Jonas Jessen

Associated Member

WZB - Social Science Research Center Berlin

Jonas Jessen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the WZB. He also holds a part-time research position at the IAB (research unit Establishments and Employment). He is an Associated Member at IZA, a member of the Berlin School of Economics, and a guest researcher at Humboldt University Berlin and DIW Berlin.

Jonas obtained his PhD at the DIW Berlin and Free University Berlin. During his PhD he visited Haas Business School at UC Berkeley for a research stay.

His research interests are in labour economics, gender economics and political economy. In his work he analyses effects of contemporary and historical family policies on labour market outcomes and on gender inequality in non-market work. Jonas is also working on better understanding individual and aggregate labour market effects of unemployment insurance.

His research has been, among others, been published in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, The Economic Journal, The Journal of Politics, Journal of Public Economics and European Economic Review.

