216 IZA Policy Papers
IZA Policy Paper No. 75
IZA Policy Paper No. 74
published in: Energy Policy, 2014, 75, 266-277
IZA Policy Paper No. 73
published in: IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2014, 3:10, [Open Access]
IZA Policy Paper No. 71
IZA Policy Paper No. 70
published as "Wandel und Stabilität in der Arbeitswelt – Das Beispiel der Zeitarbeit" in: Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 2014, 68, 88-101
IZA Policy Paper No. 69
substantially revised version published in: European Debates No. 4, May 2014. See also the introduction by the Editor. [Open Access] / an updated and extended version published as ‘Migration, jobs and integration in Europe’ in: Migration Policy Practice, 2014, 6(4), 4-16
IZA Policy Paper No. 68
published in: Co-operatives in a Post-Growth Era: Creating Co-operative Economics, Sonja Novkovic and Tom Webb, eds., pages 221-241, 2014, Zed Books (Distributed by University of Chicago Press)
IZA Policy Paper No. 67
published in German as "Branchenzuschläge in der Zeitarbeit – ein Weg aus dem Niedriglohnsektor?" in: Bouncken, Ricarda B. u. Manfred Bornewasser u. Lutz Bellmann (Hg.), Neue Herausforderungen in der Zeitarbeit, Beiträge zur Flexibilisierung, 2013, Band 5, 105-135
IZA Policy Paper No. 66
published in: Intereconomics, 2013, 48 (4), 202-209
IZA Policy Paper No. 65
published in: Intereconomics, 2013, 48 (4), 230-235 [Details & Download]
IZA Policy Paper No. 64
official translation of a report delivered to the French Council of Economic Analysis and the French Prime Minister
IZA Policy Paper No. 63
published in Korean: The HRD Review, 2013, 7 (7), 126-151
IZA Policy Paper No. 62
IZA Policy Paper No. 61
IZA Policy Paper No. 60
published in: IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2013, 2:4, [Open Access]
IZA Policy Paper No. 58
IZA Policy Paper No. 57