About Us

IZA is a nonprofit research institute and research network. The unique combination of in-house research capacity and global network activities enables us to draw on cutting-edge expertise in conducting research projects on core issues of inequality, labor economics, behavioral economics, and providing evidence-based policy advice. We provide platforms for knowledge exchange and make relevant research findings accessible for policy practitioners and the general public. Established in 1998, IZA is supported by the Deutsche Post Foundation and affiliated with the University of Bonn. IZA hosts the leading international network in labor economics, comprising around 2,000 scholars from over 60 countries, as well as the knowledge platform IZA World of Labor.

Mission and Vision

IZA is a vibrant and internationally competitive research institute. We push the frontier of research in economics and serve as a trusted and influential voice providing evidence-based policy advice.


Headquartered in Bonn, Germany, IZA's organizational framework empowers its work as both a local research institute and a globally connected network.

Initiatives and Projects

Beyond our large-scale, long-term initiatives and data service for the research community, we leverage our expertise on current labor market policy issues through externally funded projects.


While the IZA Prize in Labor Economics, the IZA Young Labor Economist Award, and the IRECC Award were given to outstanding scholars in the field, our newly established IRPPI Award provides incentives for doing excellent economic research on pressing public issues.


Established in 1998, IZA has become a leading center in national and international labor market research and policy advice.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Many research projects at IZA and in our global network are concerned with strategies to promote diversity and integration. We also aim to contribute our small share to improving the everyday lives of the disadvantaged by supporting the “Aktion Mensch”.