Monica received her PhD from the University of London in 2002. She now is Research Economist at the Department of Economics, University of Porto, and is Senior Research Economist and the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Her current research interests include the determinants and dynamics of labour supply and human capital, the evaluation and design of eductional and employment policies in dynamic economies and the development of econometric methods for policy evaluation.

She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in March 2009.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 12310
published in: Journal of Labor Economics, 2021, 39 (S1), S275–S315
IZA Discussion Paper No. 8450
published in: Quantitative Economics, 2020, 11 (3), 871- 916
IZA Discussion Paper No. 7375
published in: Econometrica, 2016, 84 (5), 1705-1753
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3800
published in: Journal of Human Resources, 2009, 44 (3), 565-640
IZA Discussion Paper No. 3280
revised version published as 'Treatment Evaluation With Selective Participation and Ineligibles' in: Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108(502) 2013, 441-455