Research Fellows

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Seltzer, Andrew

Research Fellow

Royal Holloway, University of London

Sen, Kunal

Research Fellow

University of Manchester

Serra, Danila

Research Fellow

Texas A&M University

Severnini, Edson R.

Research Fellow

Carnegie Mellon University

Shah, Manisha

Research Fellow

University of California, Berkeley

Shamdasani, Yogita

Research Fellow

Assistant Professor

Sharma, Alakh N.

Research Fellow

Institute for Human Development

Shen, Qinqin

Research Fellow

National University of the Chinese Trade Union, Beijing

Shen, Kailing

Research Fellow

Australian National University

Royal Holloway, University of London

University of Manchester

Paris School of Economics

Johns Hopkins University

University of East Anglia

Texas A&M University

Carnegie Mellon University

London School of Economics

University of California, Berkeley

Institute for Human Development

National University of the Chinese Trade Union, Beijing

Australian National University