John M. Abowd is the Edmund Ezra Day Professor of Economics, Professor of Statistics and Information Science at Cornell University. His primary appointment is in Cornell’s ILR School. He is also Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER, Cambridge, MA), Research Affiliate at the Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST, Paris, France), Research Fellow at the Institute for Labor Economics (IZA, Bonn, Germany), and Research Fellow at IAB (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg, Germany). Abowd is the Director of the Labor Dynamics Institute (LDI) at Cornell. He is the past President (2014-2015) and Fellow of the Society of Labor Economists. He is past Chair (2013) of the Business and Economic Statistics Section and Fellow of the American Statistical Association. He is an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. Abowd is also a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He has served as a Distinguished Senior Research Fellow at the United States Census Bureau (1998-2015). On June 1, 2016 he will become the Associate Director for Research and Methodology and Chief Scientist at the U.S. Census Bureau. He is also currently serving on the National Academies’ Committee on National Statistics (2010-2016) and on the American Economic Association’s Committee on Economic Statistics. He served as Director of the Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research (CISER) from 1999 to 2007. Prof. Abowd has taught and done research at Cornell University since 1987, including seven years on the faculty of the Johnson Graduate School of Management. His current research and many activities of the LDI focus on the creation, dissemination, privacy protection, and use of linked, longitudinal data on employees and employers. In his work at the Census Bureau he provides scientific leadership for the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics Program, which produces research and public-use data integrating censuses, demographic surveys, economic surveys, and administrative data. The LEHD Program’s public use data products include the Quarterly Workforce Indicators (, the most detailed time series data produced on the demographic characteristics of local labor markets and OnTheMap (, a user-driven mapping tool for studying work-related commuting patterns. His original and ongoing research on integrated labor market data is done in collaboration with the Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques (INSEE), the French national statistical institute. Prof. Abowd’s other research interests include network models for integrated labor market data; statistical methods for confidentiality protection of micro-data; international comparisons of labor market outcomes; executive compensation with a focus on international comparisons; bargaining and other wage-setting institutions; and the econometric tools of labor market analysis. Prof. Abowd is currently the Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator for multiyear grants and contracts from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. He has published articles in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, the Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, the Journal of Econometrics, and other major economics and statistics journals. Prof. Abowd served on the faculty at Princeton University, the University of Chicago, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology before coming to Cornell. When he is not traveling for his research program, he enjoys polishing his French, touring wine country and riding his bike. [February 2016]