Almudena Sevilla is a Professor of Economic and Social Policy in the Department of Social Policy at LSE and is currently the Chair of the Royal Economic Society UK Women in Economics Network. She has also held positions at University College London, Queen Mary University, University of Oxford, University of Essex , and the Congressional Budget Office in Washington DC. She received her Ph.D. from Brown University in 2004 in the fields of family and population economics and econometrics. Almudena is an applied micro economist whose research focuses on the areas of gender, child development, and human capital. She teaches courses in these areas at the Graduate and Undergraduate Level.

Almudena’s current project, PARENTIME, has received Eur. 2M funding from the European Union as part of the ERC Consolidator Grant (2018-2024). The objective of PARENTIME is to develop new socio-economic theories that unpack the detailed mechanisms driving the inter-generational transmission of inequality. High socio-economic status parents consistently produce high socio-economic status children. The question is how. Because of data limitations and theoretical traditions, the literature has focused on a narrow conceptualization of parental time (limited to the quantity of time spent with children in different kinds of activities), and a narrow set of child outcomes (limited to educational outcomes and socio-behavioral outcomes during the early years). Thus, while the results from this literature are informative at documenting the phenomenon of inter-generational transmission of human capital, they remain silent about the mechanisms underlying the process. PARENTIME aims to close this gap.

She joined IZA as a Research Fellow in May 2012.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 15329
published as 'Trends in effort at work in the UK' in: Oxford Economic Papers, 2024, 76 (3), 628–646,
IZA Discussion Paper No. 15308
published as 'Effort at Work and Worker Well-Being' in: Hamermesh, D.S. and Polachek, S.W. (eds.), Time Use in Economics (Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 51), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, 2023, 35-53
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14578
published in: J.A. Molina (ed.), Mothers in the Labor Market, Springer, 2022, 83-105
IZA Discussion Paper No. 14077
published in: European Economic Review, 2023, 158, 104542
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13877
published in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2020, 36 (4), 725–742,
IZA Discussion Paper No. 13827
published as 'Schooling and Parental Labor Supply: Evidence from COVID-19 School Closures in the United States' in: ILR Review, 2023, 76 (1), 56 - 85.