Our global research network ist the largest in labor economics. It consists of more than 2,000 experienced Research Fellows und young Research Affiliates from more than 450 research institutions in the field. IZA's network activities are supported  by a Network Advisory Panel which represents a range of diverse viewpoints and constituencies, including a mix of different seniorities within the profession. The geography of our network underscores our ambition to integrate and stimulate labor economics worldwide. Read more about the appointment process.

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Boeing, Philipp

Research Fellow

Goethe University Frankfurt

Boelmann, Barbara

Research Affiliate

University of Cologne

Boeri, Tito

Research Fellow

Bocconi University

Boffy-Ramirez, Ernest

Research Fellow

University of Colorado Denver

Bognanno, Michael L.

Research Fellow

Temple University

Bollinger, Christopher R.

Research Fellow

University of Kentucky

Bolotnyy, Valentin

Research Affiliate

Stanford University

Bond, Timothy N.

Research Fellow

Purdue University

Bonin, Holger

Research Fellow

IHS - Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna

Boockmann, Bernhard

Research Fellow

Institut für Angewandte Wirtschaftsforschung (IAW)

Booth, Alison L.

Research Fellow

Australian National University

Borgschulte, Mark

Research Fellow

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Borowczyk-Martins, Daniel

Research Fellow

Copenhagen Business School

Borra, Cristina

Research Fellow

University of Seville

Bossler, Mario

Research Fellow

Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg

Bostwick, Valerie

Research Fellow

Kansas State University