Our local team in Bonn is complemented by the international IZA research network of fellows and affiliates. Many of our alumni have continued their academic careers at prestigious institutions worldwide. Search across or within the groups below and use different attributes to refine your search.

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Angelucci, Manuela

Research Fellow

University of Texas at Austin

Danzer, Alexander M.

Research Fellow

Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Ham, John C.

Research Fellow

New York University, Abu Dhabi

Hannusch, Anne

Research Affiiate

University of Bonn

Koeniger, Winfried

Research Fellow

University of St. Gallen

Meghir, Costas

Research Fellow

Yale University

Sevilla, Almudena

Research Fellow

London School of Economics

Stillman, Steven

Research Fellow

Free University of Bozen/Bolzano