Sönke H. Matthewes

Research Affiliate

Utrecht University

Sönke H. Matthewes is a postdoctoral researcher in Economics at the University of Potsdam and the Berlin School of Economics. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Vocational Education Research (CVER) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

Sönke obtained his Ph.D. at the WZB Berlin Social Science Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, and Berlin School of Economics in 2022. During his Ph.D. he visited the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) at the LSE for 6 months.

Sönke’s research applies microeconometric methods to questions in Economics of Education and Labor Economics. More specifically, he studies how features of school systems, such as tracking and vocational curricula, shape students’ educational achievement, labor market outcomes — and inequality therein.

Sönke Matthewes joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in June 2023.