Sarah Komisarow

Research Fellow

Duke University

Sarah Komisarow is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Economics at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University.

Her research focuses on how public policies affect children’s educational outcomes, health, and well-being. She is especially interested in how public policies outside of schools – in areas such as crime, health, and environment – interact with education policy and influence students’ trajectories and outcomes in school.

She earned her PhD and MA in Economics from the University of Chicago in 2016 and 2012, respectively. Her published and forthcoming papers have appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Health Economics, the American Journal of Public Health, and Education Finance and Policy.

Sarah Komisarow joined IZA as a Research Affiliate in June 2021.


IZA Publications

IZA Discussion Paper No. 15858
published in: Education Finance and Policy, 2024, 19(2), 252-282